1. 国際経済法学専攻トップ
  2. 国際交流
  3. 流鏑馬神事に参加しました

International Students Participated in Yabusame event in Kamakura


2024年6月2日(日)、鎌倉教場で大日本弓場会による流鏑馬神事が執り行われました。小池治名誉教授のご引率で国際社会科学府の留学生 計7名が参加しました。




流鏑馬とは、疾走する馬上から鏑矢(かぶらや)と呼ばれる弓矢を打ち、3つの的に当てる日本の伝統武術で、神の前でおこなう儀式でもある神聖なものだそうです。 流鏑馬神事では、流鏑馬の歴史、伝統的な作法や装束、射手についての丁寧な解説があり、留学生は興味深く聞いている様子でした。「流鏑馬は神事であることから、単に武芸を競うのではなく、天下泰平、五穀豊穣、万民息災を祈念して行います」という説明に流鏑馬神事の奥深さを感じられました。目の前を猛スピードで駆け抜ける馬の迫力、馬上から放たれた矢が的をとらえると観覧者からは拍手や歓声が溢れました。







On Sunday, June 2, 2024, Yabusame ritual organized by Japan Equestrian Archery Association was held at Yabusame Kamakura Ground. Emeritus Professor Koike Osamu led a group of 7 international students from YNU Graduate School of International Social Sciences.


Despite the forecast of rainy weather, the sun was shining through the clouds at the time of Yabusame. As a brilliant surprise from the organizer, the national flags of the guests' countries were hoisted at the entrance to the venue. The international students who found the national flag of their home country were very excited and took photos with the flags.


Yabusame is a traditional Japanese martial art in which arrows called "Kaburaya" are shot from a galloping horse and hit three targets. It is said to be a sacred ritual performed in front of the gods. During Yabusame ritual, students listened to a detailed explanation of the Yabusame history, the traditional manner and costume, and the archers with great interest. They explained that "Yabusame is a religious ritual, so it is not just a competition, but a praying for peace, a good harvest, and good health for all people in the world," which showed the depth of the Yabusame ritual.

Everyone was excited to watch the horse gallop past right in front of the audience at great speed. When the archer's arrow shot from the horse caught the target, the students applauded and cheered.


There were several booths at the venue to introduce Japanese and Kamakura culture. At one of the booths where people could try matcha green tea, students enjoyed Japanese sweets while learning simple tea ceremony etiquette. At a booth where visitors could try a Yabusame bow, they learned the posture of drawing the bow. Since drawing the bow required more strength than expected, the students were impressed by the archer's amazing skill of shooting a bow while riding a horse at full speed.


The international students have gained another memory in Japan by experiencing Japanese history and culture through Yabusame event.
